Where Do the Readings at Mass Come From?

Sunday after Sunday at Mass, people hear various readings, and sometimes they ask where these readings come from. That is a good question, because it asks about how important these readings are and how much attention should we pay to them.

All of the readings that we hear at Mass come from the Bible, either the Old Testament or the New Testament. The Mass readings are selections of the word of God, and Christ is present in his word when it is read at Mass. For that reason, the Church askes that it be listened to reverently by everyone. The readings are of great importance in the Mass, and they are addressed to all Christians of all time—whatever the circumstances of their lives. So whenever we hear the readings at Mass, God is speaking to us, both as a community and as individuals. Attentive listening to these readings is one way of engaging in active participation at Mass, listening with one’s heart to what God is saying. Even the posture of the people at Mass indicates this since they are seated, as a gesture of listening—except for when they hear the gospel since they stand out of sign of special respect.

Finally, how important are these readings, and how much attention should we pay to them? It is God speaking to us at that very moment. It is not so much the person who is doing the reading, as it is Christ speaking to us in the Church and through his word. That is how important it is!

Source: Rev. Kurt Belsole, OSB, Saint Vincent Archabbey, Latrobe, PA